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Relax Essential Oil Blend


Do you ever feel anxious? Always on edge? Try out Relax Blend to regain that elusive sense of being calm and collected. Relax Blend contains Grand Fir, Lodgepole Pine and Subalpine Fir oils.

Benefits, Uses and Directions

Grand Fir oil can enhance one’s experience with meditation by promoting a sense of relaxation, which is attributed to its high bornyl acetate and beta-Pinene contents
Lodgepole Pine is both emotionally uplifting and helpful with mental fatigue and clarity because of its high beta-Pinene content
Subalpine Fir contains camphene, which has been shown to alleviate pain
Add a few drops of Relax Blend into a diffuser for a peaceful, relaxing aroma
Dilute Relax Blend with a carrier oil to 1-2% and apply to the area. For more guidance on essential oil dilution, please visit our Dilution page. For more guidance on essential oil dilution, please visit our Dilution page

Consult with a qualified aromatherapy practitioner or your physician prior to using essential oils with children, the elderly, pregnant or nursing women, and those with medical issues or are taking medications
Always dilute essential oils prior to use.
Do not apply any essential oils internally, eyes, inner ears and other sensitive areas, even if diluted


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